bloom taxonomy中文

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布鲁姆分类学- 维基百科,自由的百科全书布盧姆分類學(Bloom's taxonomy) 是美國教育心理學家本杰明·布鲁姆於1956年在芝加哥大學所提出的 ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。

tw22 Ways To Use Twitter For Learning Based On Bloom's TaxonomyUsing twitter for learning requires that you use it as an ongoing cultural survey of sorts. Then add Bloom's Taxonomy for improved outcomes. | [PDF] Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectivesThe verb lists will be very useful when you write your own learning goals (which are a kind of educational objective). Bloom's domains. Three domains: • ... twDr Gianfranco Conti - Twitter2017年5月23日 · To what extent does Bloom's taxonomy actually apply to foreign language ... with what admin expects & how it applies to FL teaching.Alex Corbitt on Twitter: "128 Bloom's Taxonomy Verbs for Digital ...2019年2月23日 · 128 Bloom's Taxonomy Verbs for Digital Learning (by @TeachThought) #edchat #education #edtech #elearning ... | How to Use Bloom's Taxonomy & Twitter - The EdvocateOne innovative educator has even found a way to use Twitter to create activities that correspond to every level of Bloom's Taxonomy. | [PDF] REVISED Bloom's Taxonomy Action VerbsREVISED Bloom's Taxonomy Action Verbs. Definitions. I. Remembering II. Understanding. III. Applying. IV. Analyzing. V. Evaluating. VI. Creating. Bloom's. twBloom's Taxonomy | Center for Teaching | Vanderbilt UniversityThe framework elaborated by Bloom and his collaborators consisted of six major categories: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and ... twHandbook of Research on Administration, Policy, and Leadership in ...Anderson, G. L. (2009). ... A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: A revision of Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives.Handbook for Student Affairs in Community Colleges... 29 Banning, J. H., 26 Banta, T. W., 150 Barefoot, B. O., 205 Barr, M. J., ... 303 Black identity development theory, 33 Bloom, D., 154 Bloom's taxonomy, ...
