The job demands-Resources model: state of the art
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關於「The job demands-Resources model: state of the art」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
- 1The JD-R Model - Accipio
The Job Demands-Resources Model (JD-R) is a model that explores employee well-being. It is used b...
- 2Job Demands-Resources Model (JD-R Model) - Toolshero
The Job Demands-Resources Model, or JD-R model, is a model that encourages the functioning of emp...
- 3The Job Demands–Resources Model of Burnout
The job demands-resources (JD-R) model proposes that working conditions can be categorized into 2...
- 4工作要求-資源模式的效度考驗-以台灣企業員工為例
工作要求-資源模型(JD-R model)為近年來受歡迎的工作壓力模型,並強調能適用進各工作場域,但多是以歐洲的員工為樣本來檢驗假設,故本研究以台灣企業員工為樣本, ...
- 5工作要求資源模型 - 政府研究資訊系統GRB
本研究是以工作要求-資源模型(job demands-resources model ; JD-R model)為基礎, 探究航空地勤維修人員工作壓力、情緒耗竭、維修失誤與專業倫理之間的關聯性,...