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OpenGL Shading Language has a builtin Boolean variable gl_FrontFacing allowing you to do so. The gl_FrontFacing variable is set for each fragment to true if ... 搜尋圖片地圖PlayYouTube新聞Gmail雲端硬碟更多»登入圖書我的圖書館說明進階圖書搜尋購買電子書-SGD 31.43取得本書籍的印刷本博客來網路書店eslite誠品金石堂網路書店搜尋圖書館目錄所有書商 » 服務條款 經過Addison-Wesley的准許顯示頁面. 頁數
- 1在片段着色器中是否有可靠的gl_FrontFacing 替代方案? |
根据我过去的经验,对的支持 gl_FrontFacing 参差不齐。有时它只是失败,有时它会导致回退到软件渲染。所以我尝试使用 GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE ...
- 2Is there a reliable alternative to gl_FrontFacing in a fragment ...
- 3[SOLVED] Shader gl_FrontFacing parameter - PlayCanvas ...
You are accessing gl_FrontFacing in the vertex shader when you should instead do it in the fragme...
- 4gl_FrontFacing - The Book of Shaders
by Patricio Gonzalez Vivo. Gl_FrontFacing. Declaration / Example. Parameters. Description. See Al...
- 5Advanced GLSL - LearnOpenGL
The gl_FrontFacing variable tells us if the current fragment is part of a front-facing or a back-...