Criterion-Referenced Test | EdSource
文章推薦指數: 80 %
Criterion-Referenced Test ... A test that measures specific performance or content standards, often along a continuum from total lack of skill to excellence. IntroducingEducationBeat,anewpodcastbyEdSource.Listennow! EXPLORE:REMOTE'SIMPACTONTHEYOUNGEST
- 1How Do Criterion-Referenced Tests Help Students? - Verywell ...
What Do Criterion-Referenced Tests Measure? ... Teachers use criterion-referenced tests to determ...
- 2Criterion-Referenced Test | EdSource
Criterion-Referenced Test ... A test that measures specific performance or content standards, oft...
- 3What's the difference? Criterion-referenced tests vs. norm ...
Criterion-referenced tests compare a person's knowledge or skills against a predetermined standar...
- 4Criterion Referenced Assessment - Teaching & Learning
- 5A Guide to Criterion-Referenced Tests - The Edvocate
A criterion-referenced test is an assessment that can be used to determine a student's performanc...