Latin America (17 countries): social expenditure of central ...
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ª The averages correspond to the arithmetic mean of the values of 17 countries. The countries included are: Argentina, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, ... Skiptomaincontent YouarehereHome»Indicator»SocialExpenditure»LatinAmerica(17countries):socialexpenditureofcentralgovernment,2000-2018(PercentagesofGDP) LatinAmerica(17countries):socialexpenditureofcentralgovernment,2000-2018(PercentagesofGDP) Availablein:EnglishEspañol LatinAmerica(17countries):socialexpenditureofcentralgovernment,2000-2018(PercentagesofGDPandoftotalpublicexpenditure)Source:EconomicCommissionforLatinAmericaandCaribbean(ECLAC),onthebasisofofficialinformationfromthecountries. ª Theaveragescorrespondtothearithmeticmeanofthevaluesof17 countries.Thecountriesincludedare:Argentina,Bolivia(PlurinationalStateof),Brazil,Chile,Colombia,CostaRica,Ecuador,ElSalvador,Guatemala,Honduras,Mexico,Nicaragua,Panama,Paraguay,Peru,theDominicanRepublicand Uruguay. Indicator SocialExpenditure
- 1How many countries in Latin America and the Caribbean?
Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean: ; 19, Panama, 4,314,767 ; 20, Uruguay, 3,473,730 ; ...
- 2Latin Americans - Wikipedia
Latin America, therefore, can be defined as all those parts of the Americas that were once part o...
- 3Latin America (17 countries): social expenditure of central ...
ª The averages correspond to the arithmetic mean of the values of 17 countries. The countries inc...
- 4Latin America - Wikipedia
Subregions and countries
- 5Supporting LAC countries in their reform efforts - OECD
All of these countries, as well as the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, ... The OECD Latin America an...