31. 有關Bloom 的MT 精熟教學模式以及Keller 的PSI ..-阿摩線上 ...
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- 131. 有關Bloom 的MT 精熟教學模式以及Keller 的PSI 教學模式 ...
31. 有關Bloom 的MT 精熟教學模式以及Keller 的PSI 教學模式的比較,何者正確?(A)前者採用個別學習,後者採用團體教學(B)前者採用教師評分,後者採用自行 ...
- 2Keller PSI-阿摩線上測驗
壹、前言ARCS 是美國約翰凱勒(John Keller)教授以他激勵學生學習動機的系統. ... 有關Bloom 的MT 精熟教學模式以及Keller 的PSI 教學模式的比較,何者正確?
- 3Fred Keller - The Personalized System of Instruction (PSI)
PSI is also known as the Keller plan. First described by Fred Keller in Good Bye Teacher - Journa...
- 4Keller Plan, Keller PSI, Keller Personalized System of ...
PSI is a mastery system since students demonstrate mastery on a given unit before they can procee...
- 5(PDF) Keller's Personalized System of Instruction: Was it a ...
Keller suggests five basic components that are important for PSI teaching: mastery of the subject...