Keller PSI-阿摩線上測驗
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- 1Personalized System of Instruction (PSI): Concept Definition
The teaching method described above is an example of the Personalized System of Instruction (PSI)...
- 2Fred Keller - The Personalized System of Instruction (PSI)
PSI is also known as the Keller plan. First described by Fred Keller in Good Bye Teacher - Journa...
- 3凱勒@ 這是私人考試重點(整理自阿摩.雅虎知識).並不歡迎陌生 ...
美國哥倫比亞大學心理學教授凱勒(Fred S. Keller)在一九六0年代提出個人化教學系統(Personalized System of Instruction,簡稱 PSI),即所謂的凱勒...
- 4(PDF) Keller's Personalized System of Instruction: Was it a ...
Keller suggests five basic components that are important for PSI teaching: mastery of the subject...
- 531. 有關Bloom 的MT 精熟教學模式以及Keller 的PSI 教學模式 ...
31. 有關Bloom 的MT 精熟教學模式以及Keller 的PSI 教學模式的比較,何者正確?(A)前者採用個別學習,後者採用團體教學(B)前者採用教師評分,後者採用自行 ...