Bloom Taxonomy 中文

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布鲁姆分类学- 维基百科,自由的百科全书布盧姆分類學(Bloom's taxonomy) 是美國教育心理學家本杰明·布鲁姆於1956年在芝加哥大學所 ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。

Revised Bloom's Taxonomy [Flash Version] • Center for Excellence ...Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.. Twitter · Facebook · Subscribe to CELT Teaching Tip. Copyright © ...Lorna Levack no Twitter: "Bloom's Taxonomy Verbs for Digital ...Chío cunha localización. Podes engadir información da localización aos chíos ( por exemplo, a túa cidade ou localización exacta) desde o web ou mediante ...Bloom's Taxonomy | Center for Teaching | Vanderbilt UniversityThe framework elaborated by Bloom and his collaborators consisted of six major categories: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and ...[PDF] REVISED Bloom's Taxonomy Action VerbsREVISED Bloom's Taxonomy Action Verbs. Definitions. I. Remembering II. Understanding. III. Applying. IV. Analyzing. V. Evaluating. VI. Creating. Bloom's.How to Use Bloom's Taxonomy & Twitter - The EdvocateTeachers are using Twitter in the classroom to improve instruction, connect their students with the world, and keep in touch. One innovative educator has even ...22 Ways to Use Twitter for Learning Based on Bloom's Taxonomy ...2020年2月10日 · Twitter is already a great classroom tool. The following article from TeachThought links it directly to Bloom's Taxonomy with 22 ...22 Ways To Use Twitter For Learning Based On Bloom's Taxonomy2013年7月13日 · 22 Ways To Use Twitter For Learning Based On Bloom's Taxonomy. by TeachThought Staff. In 2012, one of the first posts we created was a ...15 Top Tr Teaching Resources - Twinkl'tr' and 'tw' Blend Spotter Postcard. 'tr' and 'tw' Blend Spotter Postcard - ... 'gl' Blend Read and Write Worksheet. 'gl' Blend Read and Write Worksheet -.Planning & reaching objectives. Using Bloom's Taxonomy to ... - UNOi2015年8月11日 · The TW and SWBAT phases of planning must be based on observable verbs, keeping in mind Bloom's Taxonomy. TW and SWBAT are simple ...
