How should I address an email to multiple people? - Quora
文章推薦指數: 80 %
You can address the email as Dear Sir/Madam or if all the people need to be addressed like if there are three people then address with their first or last names ... Somethingwentwrong.Waitamomentandtryagain.Tryagain
- 1Email Etiquette Dos & Don'ts - The Emily Post Institute
- 2Hi, Dear, Hello, 商業Email 應該開頭才專業? - 天下雜誌
相較於商業email,商業書信以紙本居多,格式比較嚴謹,書信開頭,一般都用Dear。例如:. Dear Mike, 一般用法是在Dear後面加上名字,然後逗點。 Dear Mr.
- 3"Dear Mr A and Mr B" vs "Dear Mr A, dear Mr B"
Hi, I am writing an email addressed to two people. The reason why two names are listed is that th...
- 4Addressing A Letter to Two People - Daily Writing Tips
Dear Rev. and Mrs. Simpson ... however, when some people question even the conventional use of De...
- 5How should I address an email to multiple people? - Quora
You can address the email as Dear Sir/Madam or if all the people need to be addressed like if the...