对策- Translation in English - bab.la
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Translation for '对策' in the free Chinese-English dictionary and many other English translations. bab.la-Onlinedictionaries,vocabulary,conjugation,grammar share person outlined_flag arrow_drop_down WebsiteLanguage cn 汉语 en English menu Dictionary Translator Conjugation Examples Phrasebook Grammar Livingabroad Games Quizzes WordFinder WordleSolver Searchdictionary expand_more chinese Chinese swap_horiz english English search Translate cancel Translatearrow_forward Pleasechoosedifferentsourceandtargetlanguages. english English swap_horiz spanish Spanish polish Polish swap_horiz english English english English swap_horiz russian Russian vietnamese Vietnamese swap_horiz english English english AllEnglishdictionaries Multilanguagestranslator arrow_forward bab.la Dictionary Chinese-English 对策 Whatisthetranslationof"对策"inEnglish? cn volume_up 对策 = en volume_up countermeasures chevron_left Translations Translator Phrasebookopen_in_new chevron_right CN "对策"inEnglish volume_up 对策 [duìcè]{noun} EN volume_up countermeasures countermeasure counterplan countermeasure Translations CN 对策 [duìcè]{noun} volume_up 对策 volume_up countermeasures {noun} 对策 volume_up countermeasure {noun} 对策 volume_up counterplan {noun} 对策 volume_up countermeasure {noun} More Browsebyletters A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T W X Y Z Otherdictionarywords Chinese 对空排汽门对立对立物对立的对立面对等对等开放对等的对等的事物对等的人对策 Doyouwanttotranslateintootherlanguages?HavealookatourGerman-Englishdictionary. commentRequestrevision Close Livingabroad TipsandHacksforLivingAbroad Everythingyouneedtoknowaboutlifeinaforeigncountry. Readmore Phrases Speaklikeanative UsefulphrasestranslatedfromEnglishinto28languages. Seephrases Hangman Hangman Fancyagame?Orlearningnewwordsismoreyourthing?Whynothaveagoatthemtogether! Playnow arrow_upward Let'sstayintouch Dictionaries Translator Dictionary Conjugation Examples Quizzes Games Phrasebook Livingabroad Magazine Aboutbab.la Aboutus Contact Advertising close SocialLogin LoginwithGoogle LoginwithFacebook LoginwithTwitter Rememberme Bycompletingthisregistration,youacceptthetermsofuseandprivacypolicyofthissite. refreshclosevolume_up
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对策mearning in English : 1.(对付的策略或办法) the way to deal w…. click for more detailed English meaning,...