用"so that"造句- 查查造句網- 查查在線詞典-2021-03-24 | 小文 ...
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in order that造句、so adj that造句相關資訊,简体版English日本語登入註冊網站工具設為首頁收藏... | 小文青生活. 首頁sothat造句用"sothat"造句-查查造句網-查查在線詞典inorderthat造句soadjthat造句sothat用法sothat中文ontheotherhand造句sothat意思用"sothat"造句-查查造句網-查查在線詞典2021-04-01文章推薦指數:80%投票人數:10人 简体版 English 日本語 登入註冊 網站工具 設為首頁 收藏本站 英語翻譯 日語翻譯 法語翻譯 俄
- 1so that造句-2021-03-24 | 小文青生活
so that造句相關資訊,用"so that"造句- 查查造句網- 查查在線詞典用so that造句和"so that"的例句: 1. So that i may tell you decis...
- 2用"so that"造句- 查查造句網 - 查查在線詞典
- 3五分鐘教你分清楚so / so that / so…that 的英文用法| 全民學英文
- 4英文句型「so…that…」、「such…that…」的用法?差異在哪 ...
今天要介紹英文句型『so...that.../ such...that...』兩者都是用來表達『如此……以致於……』,不過在文法使用上不一樣喔~來看下列例句:
- 5英文造句so....that | Yahoo奇摩知識+
The weather was so hot that we all went swimming. 2.The question is so hard that I give it up aft...