英文造句so....that | Yahoo奇摩知識+
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The weather was so hot that we all went swimming. 2.The question is so hard that I give it up after 20 minutes. 3. That girl is so beautiful that everyone stops to ... 所有分類健康商業與財經娛樂與音樂家居與園藝家庭與人際關係寵物懷孕與育兒政治與政府教育與參考新聞與活動旅遊汽車與交通消費電子產品環境社會科學社會與文化科學美容與造型藝術與人文遊戲與休閒活動運動電腦與網際網路食品與飲料餐廳
- 1用"so that"造句- 查查造句網- 查查在線詞典-2021-03-24 | 小文 ...
in order that造句、so adj that造句相關資訊,简体版English日本語登入註冊網站工具設為首頁收藏... | 小文青生活.
- 2so that的例句與so…that…的例句-熱備資訊
so that 以便;為了我讀2113更多的書,以便5261我能趕上我的同學. I read more books so that I can catch up with my classmat...
- 3用"so that"造句- 查查造句網 - 查查在線詞典
- 4五分鐘教你分清楚so / so that / so…that 的英文用法| 全民學英文
- 5so that造句many-六车网 - 词语造句
so that造句many,请用so that造句:有两个用法:一是so that She was so angry that she br.