Zero Width No-Break Space: U+FEFF
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Symbol: , Name of the character: zero width no-break space, Unicode number for the sign: U+FEFF, the icon is included in the block: Arabic Presentation ... Homepage Unicode ArabicPresentationForms-B ZeroWidthNo-BreakSpace ZeroWidthNo-BreakSpace bom,zwnbsp,ByteOrderMark U+FEFF Clicktocopyandpastesymbol Copy Technicalinformation Name ZeroWidthNo-BreakSpace Unicodenumber U+FEFF HTML-code CSS-code \FEFF Block ArabicPresentationForms-B Unicodeversion: 1.1(1993) Symbolmeaning ThischaracterisalsoknownasByteOrderMark(BOM).ZeroWidthNo-BreakSpacewasapprovedaspartofUnicode1.1in1993. Properties Age 1.1 Block ArabicPresentationForms-B BidiPairedBracketType None CompositionExclusion No CaseFolding FEFF SimpleCaseFolding FEFF Encoding Encoding hex dec(bytes) dec binary UTF-8 EFBBBF 239187191 15711167 111011111011101110111111 UTF-16BE FEFF 254255 65279 1111111011111111 UTF-16LE FFFE 255254 65534 1111111111111110 UTF-32BE 0000FEFF 00254255 65279 00000000000000001111111011111111 UTF-32LE FFFE0000 25525400 4294836224 11111111111111100000000000000000 Copied! Thissiteuses🍪cookiestoensurethatyougetthebestexperience.Readmore Accept
- 1A quick tale about FEFF, an invisible UTF-8 character that ...
Our friend FEFF means different things, but it's basically a signal for a program on how to read ...
- 2位元組順序記號 - 维基百科
位元組順序記號(英語:byte-order mark,BOM)是位於碼點 U+FEFF 的統一碼字符的名称。當以UTF-16或UTF-32來將UCS/統一碼字符所組成的字串編碼時,這個字符被用來...
- 3Unicode Character (U+FEFF) - Compart
U+FEFF is the unicode hex value of the character Zero Width No-Break Space (BOM, ZWNBSP). Char U+...
- 4U+FEFF - 字嗨!
ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE ; BYTE ORDER MARK, BOM, ZWNBSP · 阿拉伯文表達形式-B / Arabic Presentation Forms...
- 5Zero Width No-Break Space: U+FEFF
Symbol: , Name of the character: zero width no-break space, Unicode number for the sign: U+FEFF,...