po文清單文章推薦指數: 80 %
- 1U+FEFF - 字嗨!
ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE ; BYTE ORDER MARK, BOM, ZWNBSP · 阿拉伯文表達形式-B / Arabic Presentation Forms...
- 2Unicode Character (U+FEFF) - Compart
U+FEFF is the unicode hex value of the character Zero Width No-Break Space (BOM, ZWNBSP). Char U+...
- 3A quick tale about FEFF, an invisible UTF-8 character that ...
Our friend FEFF means different things, but it's basically a signal for a program on how to read ...
- 4The FEFF Project
The FEFF Project at the University of Washington specializes in theoretical methods for spectrosc...
- 5Linux下文件开头的feff的问题 - CSDN博客
但是发现每个文件第一行都会有“<feff>”这个字符串。google了下发现问题的所在了。 原来这是个被称作BOM(Byte Order Mark)的不可见字符,是Unicode用来 ...