Dears, Dear all, Dear both,... - 經理人月刊MANAGERtoday
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Dears, Dear all都不好!英文email的第一句,這樣寫才有禮貌|經理人. 寫英文e-mail 好頭痛!一樣的 ...
- 1How to Start a Professional Email: 7 Greetings to Use and 10 to Avoid
- 2dear all or dear both? - TextRanch
Well, dear readers, both are true and neither are mutually exclusive. You are both so dear to my ...
- 3Dear Both....... - WordReference Forums
I often start my formal emails to a number of people with Dear All. ... I have used 'Dear Both' b...
- 4Is It Correct to Say Dear Both? - Strategies for Parents
- 5Refer to people as 'both' - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange