Q137 我send e-mail同公司請假:... - Prime English Learning ...
文章推薦指數: 80 %
Q137 我send e-mail同公司請假: Kindly be informed that I will take a leave from 21 Nov to 29 Nov. Thank you for your attention.” 這樣寫正確嗎?
- 1In a formal e-mail, which phrase is polite: (1)Please/Kindly be ...
- 2Which one is correct or/and better: “please be kindly informed”
They can both be correct, but they mean different things. The first one says that you want to inf...
- 3請注意、向您報告...英文mail別再用"Please be noted"、"
收到email的人應該會啼笑皆非。可以改成:. (O)Please be informed that the meeting will be rescheduled to 10:00 am We...
- 4Please be informed that or please kindly be informed that?
Please be informed that vs please kindly be informed that. A complete search of the internet has ...
- 5kindly be informed that意思在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 小文青 ...
提供kindly be informed that意思相關PTT/Dcard文章,想要了解更多please be reminded中文有關歷史/文化文章或書籍,歡迎來小文青生活提供您完整相關訊息.