Gavin職場英文- 原地踏步」的意思。 比方 - Facebook
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stagnation 是「停滯不前,原地踏步」的意思。
比方: Every day you spend in stagnation is one less day you'll spend in success. 你每多原地踏步 ...
- 1原地踏步-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
丰富的任命内部匹配木材贴面,豪华的皮革和铬机关一站式通风口使这2门不知道高兴地品尝无论在低速或原地踏步。 The richly appointed interior with matched w...
- 2原地踏步的英文翻譯 - 海词词典
例句. 那位軍官讓士兵們原地踏步以示懲罰。 The officer made the soldiers mark time as a punishment.
- 3【原地踏步英文】原地踏步的英文怎麼說?-中... +1 - 健康跟著走
原地踏... 原地踏步的英文怎麼說?原地踏步的中翻英是什麼?原地踏步可用英語翻成make no progress; walk on a treadmill; spin..。Learn how t...
- 4原地踏步的英文翻译與發音 - 線上字典
原地踏步英文翻譯: 原地踏步[] [Military] to mark time ..., 學習原地踏步發音, 原地踏步例句盡在WebSaru字典。
- 5原地踏步- English translation - Linguee
Many translated example sentences containing "原地踏步" – English-Chinese dictionary and search engin...