Enzyme - National Human Genome Research Institute
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An enzyme is a biological catalyst and is almost always a protein. It speeds up the rate of a specific chemical reaction in the cell. The enzyme is not ... Skiptomaincontent Enzyme = Anenzymeisabiologicalcatalystandisalmostalwaysaprotein.Itspeedsuptherateofaspecificchemicalreactioninthecell.Theenzymeisnotdestroyedduringthereactionandisusedoverandover.Acellcontainsthousandsofdifferenttypesofenzymemolecules,eachspecifictoaparticularchemicalreaction. Illustration Narration AnenzymeisabiologicalcatalystthatisusuallyaproteinbutcouldbeRNA.Thepointofacatalystistoincreasethespeedwithwhichareactionhappens.Andtherearemany,manyenzymesthatareencodedbythegenometomakeproteinsorRNAsthatspeedupvariouschemicalreactionstodothousandsofdifferentfunctionsinsideacell. ChristopherP.Austin,M.D. RelatedTerms Cell Protein BrowseTerms A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z FeaturedContent IntroductiontoGenomics PolygenicRiskScores
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- 2Enzyme - National Human Genome Research Institute
An enzyme is a biological catalyst and is almost always a protein. It speeds up the rate of a spe...
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Enzymes are proteins that help speed up metabolism, or the chemical reactions in our bodies. They...
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An enzyme is a substance that acts as a catalyst in living organisms, regulating the rate at whic...
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enzyme的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. any of a group of chemical substances that are produced by living cells and ca...