Screeps 專為程序員設計經營模擬遊戲- HackMD
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tags: Game --- # Screeps 專為程序員設計經營模擬遊戲## What is Screeps? * > Screeps means “scripting creeps. Published LinkedwithGitHub Like Bookmark Subscribe --- tags:Game --- #Screeps專為程序員設計經營模擬遊戲 ##WhatisScreeps? * >Screepsmeans“scriptingcreeps.”It’sanopen-sourcesandboxMMORTSgameforprogrammers,whereinthecoremechanicisprogrammingyourunits’AI.YoucontrolyourcolonybywritingJavaScriptwhichoperate24/7inthesinglepersistentreal-timeworldfilledbyotherplayersonparwithyou. [Google幫你翻譯並念給你聽]( ##slideshare線上簡報 {%slideshareSeanLiu10/screeps%} ##youtube影片: *實際遊戲畫面 {%youtubeZboTgOajnGg%} *[Alex宅電玩]🎮Screeps|練習Javascript、即時戰略遊戲、AI演算法,三種願望一次滿足 {%youtube2P5eMTnM8JM%} ##APIdocs ![]( * * ##reference *[Steam討論區]( *[百度screeps吧]( × Signin Email Password Forgotpassword or Byclickingbelow,youagreetoourtermsofservice. SigninviaFacebook SigninviaTwitter SigninviaGitHub SigninviaDropbox SigninviaGoogle NewtoHackMD?Signup
- 1Steam - Screeps: World
Screeps: World is an open source MMO RTS sandbox game for programming enthusiasts, wherein the co...
- 2Screeps - A fun and exciting way to improve programming skills
Screeps is a strategic MMO where you write your own AI. The language used is NodeJS-like Javascri...
- 3简介| Screeps 中文文档
Screeps 是一款MMORTS (大型多人在线即时战略游戏)。游戏里有很多世界,每一个玩家都可以在包含所有玩家的单个世界中创建自己的领地。
- 4screeps - 人氣推薦- 2022年2月| 露天拍賣
你想要的網路熱門推薦screeps人氣商品都在露天!買screeps立即上露天享超低折扣優惠和運費補助,新註冊會員天天享優惠,快來露天參加各種快閃優惠活動, ...
- 5Screeps - MMO strategy sandbox game for programmers
Screeps is a fun game and has a unique angle to it. Using actual programming instead of a pseudo-...