po文清單文章推薦指數: 80 %
- 1Harvard CS50: Here's How to Earn a Free Certificate
With over 3.5M enrollments, CS50, Harvard's Introduction to Computer Science, is one of the world...
- 2別猶豫了,來修CS50 吧!
CS50 的課程名稱叫做Introduction to Computer Science,是一堂哈佛大學的通識課程,總之就是一門在介紹Computer Science 的課。 而這門課程的所有資...
- 3CS50's Introduction to Computer Science - edX
CS50's Introduction to Computer Science. An introduction to the intellectual enterprises of compu...
- 4Week 0 - CS50x 2022
This is CS50x. CS50's Introduction to Computer Science. OpenCourseWare. Donate · David J. Malan ·...
- 5CS50: Introduction to Computer Science | Harvard University
An entry-level course taught by David J. Malan, CS50x teaches students how to think algorithmical...