Week 0 - CS50x 2022
文章推薦指數: 80 %
This is CS50x. CS50's Introduction to Computer Science. OpenCourseWare. Donate · David J. Malan · [email protected] Interestedinaverifiedcertificate,aprofessionalcertificate,ortransfercreditandaccreditation? Menu 🍿CS50xMovieNight2022 CS50xPuzzleDay2022 HowtoPrepareforTechnicalInterviews ZoomMeetings CS50EducatorWorkshop GalleryofFinalProjects🖼️ What’snewfor2022? Week0Scratch Week1C Week2Arrays Week3Algorithms Week4Memory Week5DataStructures Week6Python Week7SQL Week8HTML,CSS,JavaScript Week9Flask Week10Emoji Cybersecurity Seminars FinalProject AcademicHonesty CS50Certificate FAQs Gradebook Staff Syllabus EdDiscussionforQ&A QuickStartGuide AppleTV edX HarvardExtensionSchool HarvardSummerSchool YouTubeHDR YouTubeSDR ManualPages StyleGuide VisualStudioCode Changelog StatusPage Communities Clubhouse DiscordQ&A EdQ&A FacebookGroupQ&A FacebookPage GitHub GitterQ&A Instagram LinkedInGroup LinkedInPage Medium Quora RedditQ&A SlackQ&A Snapchat SoundCloud StackExchangeQ&A TikTok Twitter YouTube License Week0 Scratch Lecture Audio Notes Slides GoogleSlides PDF SourceCode Index Studio Zip Subtitles Transcript Video CS50VideoPlayer HDR SDR MP4 HDR 4K SDR 360p 720p 1080p 4K YouTube HDR SDR ProblemSet0
- 1CS50: Computer Science Courses and Programs from Harvard
Introduction to Computer Science from Harvard, better known as CS50, is the largest course on the...
- 2CS50's Introduction to Computer Science - edX
CS50's Introduction to Computer Science. An introduction to the intellectual enterprises of compu...
- 3CS50: Introduction to Computer Science | Harvard University
An entry-level course taught by David J. Malan, CS50x teaches students how to think algorithmical...
- 4CS50x 2022
- 5CS50 Reels #Shorts - YouTube