Stimulus generalization example
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How the Stimulus Generalization Process Is ConditionedFor example, if a child has been conditioned to fear a stuffed white rabbit, it will exhibit a fear of objects similar to the conditioned stimulus such as a ... twUnderstanding Stimulus Discrimination in Psychology - Verywell MindIn classical conditioning, for example, stimulus generalization would involve being unable to distinguish between the conditioned stimulus and other similar ... tw | twAsymmetrical Stimulus Generalization following Differential Fear ...2008年4月22日 · This strikingly asymmetrical stimulus generalization is a novel ... Gainesville, FL) MA2 preamplifier and were subsequently digitized by an ... tw | twCategories, Concepts, and Conditioning: How Humans Generalize ...2015年1月8日 · For example, a harrowing automobile accident can lead to a fear and avoidance of ... (A) In traditional stimulus generalization paradigms, ... tw | twStimulus Generalization of Skills and Persons with ... - JSTORThe student who is profoundly mentally tw° computer searches, ERIC and Psych handicapped, the lowest category ... surement of stimulus generalization or the.Generalization - ABA Connect2018年1月27日 · Stimulus Discrimination occurs when a stimuli evoke a different response. For example, not all snakes are poisonous. My husband knows how to ... | [PDF] Exploring some differences between categorization and generalizationSample size, number of categories and sampling assumptions: ... proach of Shepard (1987), the GCM assumes that stimuli are represented as points in a psy-.Value generalization in human avoidance learning | eLife2018年5月8日 · Individual differences in generalization of aversive value (but not safety ... by CS- and CS+ stimuli (all p<0.0001, paired-sample t tests; ...Generalization of Extinguished Fear to Untreated Fear Stimuli after ...2017年6月7日 · Our analytic sample thus comprised N=47 participants who were either assigned to the treatment (ie, received two sessions of exposure treatment ...Discrimination | Comparative Cognition Laboratory | Psychological ...Generalization is not always inappropriate and occurs when you respond the same to two stimuli that are not identical. For example, a child may learn to say " ... tw
- 1第六章學習與行為分析
刺激類化(stimulus generalization):類似CS 的刺激就算沒和UCS 配對也能引發CR→新的刺激越. 類似CS,CR 就越強。 刺激區辨(simulus discrimin...
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制約刺激(conditioned stimulus、CS)則是能夠引起制約反應(conditioned response、CR)的初始中性刺激(neutral stimulus、NS),這是需要...
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刺激泛化(Stimulus Generalization)刺激泛化是指与条件刺激相似的刺激会引起类似条件反射的现象。在巴甫洛夫的实验中,当狗学会对一个高音产生唾液分泌反应以后, ...
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刺激類化(stimulus generalization). 針對類似CS 的其他刺激,產生的一種自動化延伸。 •刺激區辨(stimulus discrimination). 針對特定向度的差異...
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... 2.3.2 (二)問題本位學習對於本土教育的應用及研究; 2.3.3 (三)學習中文字方面的 ... (二)刺激類化(Stimulus generalization)與刺激辨別(Stim...