stimulus generalization中文

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關於「stimulus generalization中文」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:

Stimulus Generalization - 刺激類化Stimulus Generalization - 刺激類化 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙 › detail關於精選摘要Understanding Stimulus Discrimination in Psychology - Verywell MindDiscrimination is the ability to differentiate between a learned stimulus and similar stimuli. Learn about the role it plays in conditioning.Asymmetrical Stimulus Generalization following Differential Fear ...2008年4月22日 · This strikingly asymmetrical stimulus generalization is a novel ... Gainesville, FL) MA2 preamplifier and were subsequently digitized ... tw | twA further study of stimulus generalization following three-stimulus ...A group of pigeons was trained in a Skinner box to peck for VI reinforcement when the key was illuminated by a monochromatic light of 540 or 580 mmu but ... twNeuronal Oscillations Enhance Stimulus Discrimination by Ensuring ...2006年5月16日 · Citation: Schaefer AT, Angelo K, Spors H, Margrie TW (2006) Neuronal Oscillations Enhance Stimulus Discrimination by Ensuring Action ...Pinellas County Government Home PageHome Page of the Official Web Site of Pinellas County, Florida.刺激泛化- MBA智库百科刺激泛化(Stimulus Generalization)刺激泛化是指與條件刺激相似的刺激會引起類似條件反射的現象。

在巴甫洛夫的實驗中,當狗學會對一個高音產生唾液分泌反應以後, ...The Behavioral Neuroscience of Drug DiscriminationUS Government Printing Office, Washington, pp 163–180 Becker GL, Gerak LR, ... Fantegrossi WE (2017) Discriminative stimulus effects of psychostimulants.[PPT] 行為主義心理學Q:何謂〝類化〞(stimulus generalization)? 與CS類似的刺激也會引起CR。

Q:何謂〝辨別〞(discrimination)? 與〝類化〞相反,個體只對CS作反應,對其.[PDF] Pitch Perception in Chinchillas (Chinchilla laniger): Stimulus ...then tested in a stimulus generalization paradigm with IIRN[+] at delays between 2 and 4 ms. ... Technologies [TDT], Alachua, FL) and summed together (TDT.
