po文清單文章推薦指數: 80 %
- 1Are soft shadows possible with point light using cubemap ...
Or is there an alternative? Thanks a lot in advance for your help! opengl glsl shader shadow shad...
- 2What are some modern shadowing techniques for soft ... - Reddit
I've been working with some OpenGL recently (version 3.3) and I am curious as to what techniques ...
- 3Contact-hardening Soft Shadows Made Fast -
Soft shadows are slower than standard shadow mapping because they usually require taking more tha...
- 4Rendering soft shadows with OpenGL based on planar ...
In order to approximate soft-shadow effect, a number of points on the light source are sampled. F...
- 5Chapter 17. Efficient Soft-Edged Shadows Using Pixel Shader ...
Soft shadows present an even greater challenge to developers, ... a depth texture and a "compare"...