How to stop autoplay on embedded YouTube videos
文章推薦指數: 80 %
Edit the WordPress Page or Post in question · Click the text tab · Locate your embed code · Locate the src="youtubeurlhere" · At the end of the youtubeurlhere add ...
- 1How can I autoplay a video using the new embed code style for
Just put "?autoplay=1" in the url the video will autoload. So your url would be: http://www.youtu...
- 2嵌入影片與播放清單- YouTube說明
- 3How to stop autoplay on embedded YouTube videos
Edit the WordPress Page or Post in question · Click the text tab · Locate your embed code · Locat...
- 4Set Video to Autoplay - SpaceCraft Support Knowledge Base
You can easily trigger a YouTube or Vimeo video to automatically play when a user lands on your s...
- 5HTML YouTube Videos - W3Schools
You can let your video start playing automatically when a user visits the page, by adding autopla...