it seems to be | English examples in context -
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High quality example sentences with “it seems to be” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write ... connectionIcon Youareoffline. filterOutline Signup Hello,thisisLudwig! LudwigisthefirstsentencesearchenginethathelpsyouwritebetterEnglishandfeelmoreconfidentaboutit. LearnMore SentenceexamplesforitseemstobefrominspiringEnglishsources RELATED ( 20 ) itseemstooccur itassumestobe itsetstobe itdemonstratestobe itestimatestobe itperceivestobe itbelievestobe itlikestobe itunderstandstobe itseekstobe itseemstolike itdeservestobe ithastobe itseemstoattract ithelpstobe itneedstobe itseemstobreak itseemstostart itsuckstobe itseemstotransport exact ( 8 ) Itseemstobeunanimity. 1 Listen TheEconomist Itseemstobehelping. 2 Listen TheNewYorkTimes-Sports Itseemstobeworking. 3 Listen TheNewYorkTimes "Itseemstobeone. 4 Listen TheNewYorkTimes-Arts Atlastitseemstobeturning. 5 Listen TheEconomist Itseemstobeabitwrong". 6 Listen Independent Butitseemstobevanishing. 7 Listen TheNewYorkTimes Showmore... Englishsentencesfromreliablecontexts Ludwigfindsexamplesfromnewspapers,reliableandwellwrittenscientificjournals,officialdocumentsandmore! BlogwigArticles AcademicEnglish HowtoWriteaThesisSummary Englishwriting 6mistakesyoushouldfixbeforeyousubmityournextpaper Tips&TricksonLudwig Lookingforthewordonthetipofthetongue?Trythis Needmoreresults? SignupforfreeortryPremiumfreefor15days stripBg Guest 7SearchResults 3DailyQueries _ _ _ _ stripBg Registered 15SearchResults 6DailyQueries InteractiveResults _ _ _ Signupforfree stripBg Premium UnlimitedDailyQueries 60SearchResults InteractiveResults AdvancedFilter Library Ad-Free 15-dayFreeTrial Usedbymillionsofstudents,scientificresearchers,professionaltranslatorsandeditorsfromallovertheworld! LudwigdoesnotsimplyclarifymydoubtswithEnglishwriting,itenlightensmywritingwithnewpossibilities SimoneIvanConte SoftwareEngineeratAdobe,UKPhDsinComputerScience,UniversityofStAndrews,UK WhatisLudwig? LudwigisthefirstsentencesearchenginethathelpsyouwritebetterEnglishbygivingyoucontextualizedexamplestakenfromreliablesources. youtubeIcon Byclicking"IAccept"or"X"onthisbanner,orusingoursite,youacceptourcookieandprivacypolicy. IAccept
- 1"it seems to~" 和"there seems to~" 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative
it seems to~的同義字When you say "it seems to~" you mean WHAT something seems to be. For example "it ...
- 2When is "seems to be" used instead of "seems"? - English ...
Most of the times there is no difference in meaning between seem to be and seem, but seem to be i...
- 3When is "seems to be" used instead of "seems"? - Wyzant
She seems to be a happy baby. However, there are more possibilities such as the verb "seem" follo...
- 4英文seems that/seem to用法(Usage of seems that/seem to in ...
=S+seem(s) to be/原形動詞/ have 過去分詞~. It seems that Tom likes Mary.=Tom seems to like Mary.(Tom好像喜歡M...
- 5seem/seem like | WordReference Forums