it seems to be | English examples in context -
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High quality example sentences with “it seems to be” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write ... connectionIcon Youareoffline. filterOutline Signup Hello,thisisLudwig! LudwigisthefirstsentencesearchenginethathelpsyouwritebetterEnglishandfeelmoreconfidentaboutit. LearnMore SentenceexamplesforitseemstobefrominspiringEnglishsources RELATED ( 20 ) itseemstooccur itassumestobe itsetstobe itdemonstratestobe itestimatestobe itperceivestobe itbelievestobe itlikestobe itunderstandstobe itseekstobe itseemstolike itdeservestobe ithastobe itseemstoattract ithelpstobe itneedstobe itseemstobreak itseemstostart itsuckstobe itseemstotransport exact ( 8 ) Itseemstobeunanimity. 1 Listen TheEconomist Itseemstobehelping. 2 Listen TheNewYorkTimes-Sports Itseemstobeworking. 3 Listen TheNewYorkTimes "Itseemstobeone. 4 Listen TheNewYorkTimes-Arts Atlastitseemstobeturning. 5 Listen TheEconomist Itseemstobeabitwrong". 6 Listen Independent Butitseemstobevanishing. 7 Listen TheNewYorkTimes Showmore... Englishsentencesfromreliablecontexts Ludwigfindsexamplesfromnewspapers,reliableandwellwrittenscientificjournals,officialdocumentsandmore! BlogwigArticles AcademicEnglish HowtoWriteaThesisSummary Englishwriting 6mistakesyoushouldfixbeforeyousubmityournextpaper Tips&TricksonLudwig Lookingforthewordonthetipofthetongue?Trythis Needmoreresults? SignupforfreeortryPremiumfreefor15days stripBg Guest 7SearchResults 3DailyQueries _ _ _ _ stripBg Registered 15SearchResults 6DailyQueries InteractiveResults _ _ _ Signupforfree stripBg Premium UnlimitedDailyQueries 60SearchResults InteractiveResults AdvancedFilter Library Ad-Free 15-dayFreeTrial Usedbymillionsofstudents,scientificresearchers,professionaltranslatorsandeditorsfromallovertheworld! LudwigdoesnotsimplyclarifymydoubtswithEnglishwriting,itenlightensmywritingwithnewpossibilities SimoneIvanConte SoftwareEngineeratAdobe,UKPhDsinComputerScience,UniversityofStAndrews,UK WhatisLudwig? LudwigisthefirstsentencesearchenginethathelpsyouwritebetterEnglishbygivingyoucontextualizedexamplestakenfromreliablesources. youtubeIcon Byclicking"IAccept"or"X"onthisbanner,orusingoursite,youacceptourcookieandprivacypolicy. IAccept
- 1"it seems to~" 和"there seems to~" 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative
it seems to~的同義字When you say "it seems to~" you mean WHAT something seems to be. For example "it ...
- 2seems to be vs seems | WordReference Forums
Most of the times there is no difference in meaning between seem to be and seem, but seem to be i...
- 3are seems to be | English examples in context -
High quality example sentences with “are seems to be” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig i...
- 4Which one is correct, “It's seems to be” or “It seems to be”?
It seems to be” is correct. This is immediately clear if you consider what “It's” means in the ot...
- 5Seem 的用法 - 英文資訊交流網-
Mary is seeming very happy with her new boyfriend. (誤) - 不可使用進行式。 Buying a new computer seems a c...