能吃苦- Translation in English - bab.la
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Translation for '能吃苦' in the free Chinese-English dictionary and many other English translations. bab.la-Onlinedictionaries,vocabulary,conjugation,grammar share outlined_flag arrow_drop_down WebsiteLanguage cn 汉语 en English menu Dictionary Translator Conjugation Examples Phrasebook Grammar Livingabroad Games Quizzes WordFinder WordleSolver Searchdictionary expand_more chinese Chinese swap_horiz english English search Translate cancel Translatearrow_forward Pleasechoosedifferentsourceandtargetlanguages. english English swap_horiz spanish Spanish polish Polish swap_horiz english English english English swap_horiz russian Russian vietnamese Vietnamese swap_horiz english English english AllEnglishdictionaries Multilanguagestranslator arrow_forward bab.la Dictionary Chinese-English 能吃苦 Whatisthetranslationof"能吃苦"inEnglish? cn volume_up 能吃苦 = en volume_up stoodthegaff chevron_left Translations Translator Phrasebookopen_in_new chevron_right CN "能吃苦"inEnglish volume_up 能吃苦 [nénɡchīkǔ]{vb} EN volume_up stoodthegaff Translations CN 能吃苦 [nénɡchīkǔ]{verb} volume_up 能吃苦 volume_up stoodthegaff {vb} more_vert open_in_newLinktosource warningRequestrevision 能吃苦 tostoodthegaff Contextsentences Chinese English Contextualexamplesof"能吃苦"inEnglish Thesesentencescomefromexternalsourcesandmaynotbeaccurate.bab.laisnotresponsiblefortheircontent. 能吃苦 more_vert open_in_new Linktosource warning Requestrevision tostoodthegaff More Browsebyletters A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T W X Y Z Otherdictionarywords Chinese 能力能力倾向测验能力建设能力极强之人能力范围能力证书能动能勃起的能发出哔哔声音的仪器能变形的能吃苦 能吃苦的能吃苦耐劳的能含量能吸收的能和睦相处的能够能够支付的能够的能官能民能实行的 IntheEnglish-Tatardictionaryyouwillfindmoretranslations. commentRequestrevision Close Livingabroad TipsandHacksforLivingAbroad Everythingyouneedtoknowaboutlifeinaforeigncountry. Readmore Phrases Speaklikeanative UsefulphrasestranslatedfromEnglishinto28languages. Seephrases Hangman Hangman Fancyagame?Orlearningnewwordsismoreyourthing?Whynothaveagoatthemtogether! Playnow arrow_upward Let'sstayintouch Dictionaries Translator Dictionary Conjugation Examples Quizzes Games Phrasebook Livingabroad Magazine Aboutbab.la Aboutus Contact Advertising refreshclosevolume_up
- 1Definition and synonyms of 吃苦in the Chinese dictionary
Meaning of 吃苦in the Chinese dictionary with examples of use. Synonyms for 吃苦and translation of 吃苦...
- 2吃苦(chīkǔ ) to suffer or to bear hardships - 沪江汉语
Usage: “吃苦”的意思是遭受痛苦或者经受艰苦。“吃苦”是离合词,中间可以插入数量词,如可以说“ ...
- 3吃苦定義; 什麼是吃苦? 吃苦有2種意思
吃苦[chī kǔ] 2 個意思, 未分類: 遭受痛苦。 ... 發音. 吃苦. 定義. 未分類. 遭受痛苦。 《水滸傳.第四二回》:「不成我和你受用快樂,倒教家中老父吃苦。」。 同義字.
- 4能吃苦- Translation in English - bab.la
Translation for '能吃苦' in the free Chinese-English dictionary and many other English translations.
- 5吃苦的意思、解釋、用法、例句- 國語辭典
遭受痛苦。 例:聯考前的那一段吃苦日子,是考生們揮之不去的夢魘! 1.遭受痛苦。《水滸傳》第四二回:「不成我和你受用快樂,倒教家中老父吃苦。」 2.耐苦。