Incredible-歌詞-James TW|MyMusic 懂你想聽的
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Incredible-歌詞-You\'re wearing that dress I likeThose heels make you six feet highAnd in the taxi, you\'re tryna put your make-up onWhile singing the words ... 首頁 > JamesTW > Romance > Incredible 專輯:Romance 歌手: JamesTW 發行時間:2021.02 作詞: 作曲: 編曲: 分類:西洋 Incredible 2021.02 Romance JamesTW 聽歌去 歌詞 錯誤回報 You'rewearingthatdressIlike Thoseheelsmakeyousixfeethigh Andinthetaxi,you'retrynaputyourmake-upon Whilesingingthewordstoyourfavoritesong MyGod,it'sbeenawhile SincethelasttimeIsawyousmile Sometimeslifegetssocrazy Thatwecanforget Allthelittlethingswedid Backwhenwefirstmet Suddenly,theroomgrowsquiet I'mlostinyoureyes Itfeelslikewe'eallalone Asthelightsgoon It'sgettinglate Wishwecouldstaylikethisforever Dancingtillbothourfeetache Mylove Nothingcanbreakthesearms Inyourembrace Thiscrowdedroomdoesn'tmatter We'redancinglikeit'sourownstage Mylove Ijustwanttosay Thatyoulookincredibletonight Andallourfriendsaregoinghome Justleavingusallalone Andit'smomentslikethisIneverwannaletgo We'restillthosetwokidsputtingonashow Standinghere,theroomissoquiet I'mlostinyoureyes Itfeelslikewe'eallalone Asthelightsgoon It'sgettinglate Wishwecouldstaylikethisforever Dancingtillbothourfeetache Mylove Nothingcanbreakthesearms Inyourembrace Thiscrowdedroomdoesn'tmatter We'redancinglikeit'sourownstage Mylove Ijustwanttosay Thatyoulookincredibletonight Staringinyournavyeyes Asweholdeachother Dancingthroughthenight It'sgettinglate Wishwecouldstaylikethisforever Dancingtillbothourfeetache Mylove Nothingcanbreakthesearms Inyourembrace Thiscrowdedroomdoesn'tmatter We'redancinglikeit'sourownstage Mylove Ijustwanttosay Thatyoulookincredibletonight Ohincredibletonight Incredibletonight Mylove Ijustwanttosay Thatyoulookincredibletonight 相似藝人 錯誤回報 作詞: 西洋: 2021.02 專輯: Romance 歌手: JamesTW 錯誤原因 請選擇 歌詞中有錯字 歌詞不完整 詞、曲創作人有誤 整首歌的歌詞不對 歌詞頁面無法顯示 優先製作K歌歌詞 錯誤描述 取消 確認修改
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James TW Lyrics ... Parachute - "Forever And Always" She's sitting at the table, the hours get la...
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Incredible-歌詞-You\'re wearing that dress I likeThose heels make you six feet highAnd in the taxi,...
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james tw - incredible中文,2019年4月28日— [Verse 1] You're wearing that dress I like 你穿著那件我喜歡的裙子Those h...
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Incredible-歌詞- You're wearing that dress I like Those heels make you six feet ... James TW. 開啟 KK...