AMD | Advanced Micro Devices Inc. Annual Balance Sheet
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Advanced Micro Devices Inc. Annual balance sheet by MarketWatch. View all AMD assets, cash, debt, liabilities, shareholder equity and investments. 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Watchlist CreateAMDAlert AMDUSAfterHours LastUpdated:Nov5,20216:59p.m.EST Delayedquote $ 136.69 0.35 0.26% AfterHoursVolume: 530.14K Close Chg Chg% $136.34 -1.16 -0.84% ToggleChartOptions AdvancedCharting 1D 5D 1M 3M 6M YTD 1Y 3Y All RangeDropdown $ % Vol Volume:64.92M 65DayAvg:53.49M 121%vsAvg 134.42 DayRange 141.22 72.50 52WeekRange 141.22 CustomizeMarketWatch HaveWatchlists?Logintoseethemhereorsignuptogetstarted. CreateAccount …orLogIn Symbol Company Price Chg/Chg% (GotoYourWatchlist) NoItemsinWatchlist TherearecurrentlynoitemsinthisWatchlist. AddTickers NoSavedWatchlists Createalistoftheinvestmentsyouwanttotrack. CreateWatchlist …orlearnmore Uhoh SomethingwentwrongwhileloadingWatchlist. GotoWatchlist NoRecentTickers Visitaquotepageandyourrecentlyviewedtickerswillbedisplayedhere. SearchTickers Overview Profile Charts Financials HistoricalQuotes AnalystEstimates Options IncomeStatement BalanceSheet CashFlow SecFilings Annual Quarterly Item Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 5-yeartrend Cash&ShortTermInvestments Cash&ShortTermInvestments 1.27B 1.19B 1.16B 1.51B 2.29B Cash&ShortTermInvestmentsGrowth Cash&ShortTermInvestmentsGrowth - -6.16% -2.27% 29.80% 51.96% CashOnly CashOnly 1.26B 1.19B 1.08B 1.47B 1.6B Short-TermInvestments Short-TermInvestments 2M - 78M 37M 695M Cash&STInvestments/TotalAssets Cash&STInvestments/TotalAssets 38.12% 33.45% 25.48% 25.00% 25.55% TotalAccountsReceivable TotalAccountsReceivable 311M 460M 1.27B 1.86B 2.08B TotalAccountsReceivableGrowth TotalAccountsReceivableGrowth - 47.91% 175.87% 46.49% 11.67% AccountsReceivables,Net AccountsReceivables,Net 311M 454M 1.24B 1.86B 2.07B AccountsReceivables,Gross AccountsReceivables,Gross 311M 454M 1.24B 1.86B 2.07B BadDebt/DoubtfulAccounts BadDebt/DoubtfulAccounts - - - - - OtherReceivable OtherReceivable - 6M 34M - 10M AccountsReceivableTurnover AccountsReceivableTurnover 13.74 11.42 5.10 3.62 4.70 Inventories Inventories 751M 694M 845M 982M 1.4B FinishedGoods FinishedGoods 176M 214M 357M 197M 167M WorkinProgress WorkinProgress 564M 446M 354M 691M 1.14B RawMaterials RawMaterials 11M 34M 134M 94M 93M ProgressPayments&Other ProgressPayments&Other - - - - - OtherCurrentAssets OtherCurrentAssets 202M 292M 265M 249M 378M MiscellaneousCurrentAssets MiscellaneousCurrentAssets 139M 215M 208M 249M 378M TotalCurrentAssets TotalCurrentAssets 2.53B 2.63B 3.54B 4.6B 6.14B NetProperty,Plant&Equipment NetProperty,Plant&Equipment 164M 261M 348M 705M 849M Property,Plant&Equipment-Gross Property,Plant&Equipment-Gross 881M 1B 1.06B 1.47B 1.76B Buildings Buildings - - - - - Land&Improvements Land&Improvements - - - - - ComputerSoftwareandEquipment ComputerSoftwareandEquipment - - - - - OtherProperty,Plant&Equipment OtherProperty,Plant&Equipment 148M 187M 179M 203M 208M AccumulatedDepreciation AccumulatedDepreciation 717M 740M 707M 768M 912M TotalInvestmentsandAdvances TotalInvestmentsandAdvances 74M 79M 79M 88M 109M OtherLong-TermInvestments OtherLong-TermInvestments 15M 21M 21M 30M 46M Long-TermNoteReceivables Long-TermNoteReceivables - - - - - IntangibleAssets IntangibleAssets 521M 528M 515M 499M 518M NetGoodwill NetGoodwill 289M 289M 289M 289M 289M NetOtherIntangibles NetOtherIntangibles 232M 239M 226M 210M 229M OtherAssets OtherAssets 21M 39M 59M 117M 98M TotalAssets TotalAssets 3.32B 3.55B 4.56B 6.03B 8.96B TotalAssetsGrowth TotalAssetsGrowth - 6.96% 28.27% 32.31% 48.67% Item Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 5-yeartrend STDebt&CurrentPortionLTDebt STDebt&CurrentPortionLTDebt - 70M 136M 43M 41M ShortTermDebt ShortTermDebt - - - 43M 41M CurrentPortionofLongTermDebt CurrentPortionofLongTermDebt - 70M 136M - - AccountsPayable AccountsPayable 823M 796M 1.06B 1.2B 546M AccountsPayableGrowth AccountsPayableGrowth - -3.28% 33.29% 13.20% -54.54% IncomeTaxPayable IncomeTaxPayable - - - - - OtherCurrentLiabilities OtherCurrentLiabilities 523M 647M 787M 1.12B 1.83B DividendsPayable DividendsPayable - - - - - AccruedPayroll AccruedPayroll 116M 206M 236M 285M 513M MiscellaneousCurrentLiabilities MiscellaneousCurrentLiabilities 407M 441M 551M 830M 1.32B TotalCurrentLiabilities TotalCurrentLiabilities 1.35B 1.51B 1.98B 2.36B 2.42B Long-TermDebt Long-TermDebt 1.44B 1.33B 1.11B 685M 531M Long-TermDebtexcl.CapitalizedLeases Long-TermDebtexcl.CapitalizedLeases 1.44B 1.33B 1.11B 486M 330M Non-ConvertibleDebt Non-ConvertibleDebt 1.44B 1.33B 1.11B 486M 330M ConvertibleDebt ConvertibleDebt - - - - - CapitalizedLeaseObligations CapitalizedLeaseObligations - - - - - ProvisionforRisks&Charges ProvisionforRisks&Charges 3M - - - - DeferredTaxes DeferredTaxes 3M - (4M) (11M) (1.23B) DeferredTaxes-Credits DeferredTaxes-Credits 14M 11M 11M 11M 11M DeferredTaxes-Debit DeferredTaxes-Debit 11M 11M 15M 22M 1.25B OtherLiabilities OtherLiabilities 107M 107M 181M 146M 166M OtherLiabilities(excl.DeferredIncome) OtherLiabilities(excl.DeferredIncome) 107M 107M 181M 146M 166M DeferredIncome DeferredIncome - - - - - TotalLiabilities TotalLiabilities 2.91B 2.96B 3.29B 3.2B 3.13B Non-EquityReserves Non-EquityReserves - - - - - TotalLiabilities/TotalAssets TotalLiabilities/TotalAssets 87.47% 83.22% 72.21% 53.10% 34.87% PreferredStock(CarryingValue) PreferredStock(CarryingValue) - - - - - RedeemablePreferredStock RedeemablePreferredStock - - - - - Non-RedeemablePreferredStock Non-RedeemablePreferredStock - - - - - CommonEquity(Total) CommonEquity(Total) 416M 596M 1.27B 2.83B 5.84B CommonEquity/TotalAssets CommonEquity/TotalAssets 12.53% 16.78% 27.79% 46.90% 65.13% CommonStockPar/CarryValue CommonStockPar/CarryValue 9M 9M 10M 12M 12M RetainedEarnings RetainedEarnings (7.8B) (7.78B) (7.44B) (7.1B) (4.61B) ESOPDebtGuarantee ESOPDebtGuarantee - - - - - CumulativeTranslationAdjustment/UnrealizedFor.Exch.Gain CumulativeTranslationAdjustment/UnrealizedFor.Exch.Gain - - - - - UnrealizedGain/LossMarketableSecurities UnrealizedGain/LossMarketableSecurities (1M) - - - 17M RevaluationReserves RevaluationReserves - - - - - TreasuryStock TreasuryStock (119M) (108M) (50M) (53M) (131M) TotalShareholders'Equity TotalShareholders'Equity 416M 596M 1.27B 2.83B 5.84B TotalShareholders'Equity/TotalAssets TotalShareholders'Equity/TotalAssets 12.53% 16.78% 27.79% 46.90% 65.13% AccumulatedMinorityInterest AccumulatedMinorityInterest - - - - - TotalEquity TotalEquity 416M 596M 1.27B 2.83B 5.84B Liabilities&Shareholders'Equity Liabilities&Shareholders'Equity 3.32B 3.55B 4.56B 6.03B 8.96B CloseTrendingTickersbar ALZN $2.94 2.43% 0.07 PACW $49.53 0.00% 0.00 WKHS $6.63 1.22% 0.08 FTDR $36.35 0.25% 0.09 VG $17.44 0.58% 0.10 CloseSearchOverlay SearchMarketWatch AdvancedSearch Submitentryforkeywordresults Noresultsfound Private × × ThisbrowserisnolongersupportedatMarketWatch.ForthebestMarketWatch.comexperience,pleaseupdatetoamodernbrowser. 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