回信感謝不能隨便!10實用句讓人下次願意幫你| EF English ...
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我了解關閉首頁好享生活職場生涯回信感謝不能隨便!10實用句讓人下次願意幫你回信感謝不能隨便!10實用句讓人下次願意幫你文/EFEnglishLive 2018-08-29瀏覽數279,150+圖片來源:pixabay分享分享複製連結當我們在撰寫郵件時,很容易用語會
- 1用英文「先」表達感謝,很沒禮貌-戒掉爛英文|商周
Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.(先謝謝你對這件事的關注。) Thank you in advance for an...
- 2回信感謝不能隨便!10實用句讓人下次願意幫你| EF English ...
8. Thank you for your understanding. 這個句子並不是感謝收件人理解了你的郵件內容,我們用這句話來提前表達感謝,在於如果我們 ...
- 3該詞條未找到_海詞詞典 - 海词
Thank you again for your understanding. 再次感謝您的理解。 ... Thank you for your understanding and cooper...
- 4Thank You for Your Understanding - BusinessWritingBlog
“Thanks for your understanding” is a wordy version of the same thing. I would not use it. However...
- 5Thank you a lot!別再亂用!語氣不對就像在諷刺別人
Thank you for your. patience. 謝謝您的耐心. cooperation. 謝您的合作. effort. 謝謝您的努力. support. 謝謝您的支持. consid...