Unicode 10.0 Emoji List - Emojipedia
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Unicode 10.0 is the version of the Unicode Standard released on June 20, 2017. 8,518 new characters were included with this update, of which 56 were emoji ... 🦃🍂🔥🍽🥧👪🍗 Unicode10.0istheversionoftheUnicodeStandardreleasedonJune20,2017. 8,518newcharacterswereincludedwiththisupdate,ofwhich 56wereemojicharacters. Onlynewemojicodepointsarelistedonthispage. Forthefull2017emojilist; seeEmoji5.0 whichincluded all239emojiadditionsincludingsequencesforskintoneandgender. 😃Emoji5.0list 🔣Unicode10.0.0Specification 🤩Star-Struck 🤪ZanyFace 🤭FacewithHandOverMouth 🤫ShushingFace 🤨FacewithRaisedEyebrow 🤮FaceVomiting 🤯ExplodingHead 🧐FacewithMonocle 🤬FacewithSymbolsonMouth 🧡OrangeHeart 🤟Love-YouGesture 🤲PalmsUpTogether 🧠Brain 🧒Child 🧑Person 🧔Person:Beard 🧓OlderPerson 🧕WomanwithHeadscarf 🤱Breast-Feeding 🧙Mage 🧚Fairy 🧛Vampire 🧜Merperson 🧝Elf 🧞Genie 🧟Zombie 🧖PersoninSteamyRoom 🧗PersonClimbing 🧘PersoninLotusPosition 🦓Zebra 🦒Giraffe 🦔Hedgehog 🦕Sauropod 🦖T-Rex 🦗Cricket 🥥Coconut 🥦Broccoli 🥨Pretzel 🥩CutofMeat 🥪Sandwich 🥣BowlwithSpoon 🥫CannedFood 🥟Dumpling 🥠FortuneCookie 🥡TakeoutBox 🥧Pie 🥤CupwithStraw 🥢Chopsticks 🛸FlyingSaucer 🛷Sled 🥌CurlingStone 🧣Scarf 🧤Gloves 🧥Coat 🧦Socks 🧢BilledCap ₿Bitcoin Related Unicode15.0 Unicode14.0 Unicode13.0 Unicode12.0 Unicode11.0 Unicode10.0 Unicode9.0 Unicode8.0 Unicode7.0 Unicode6.1 Unicode6.0 Unicode5.2 Unicode5.1 Unicode5.0 Unicode4.1 Unicode4.0 Unicode3.2 Unicode3.1 Unicode3.0 Unicode1.1 Categories 😃Smileys&People 🐻Animals&Nature 🍔Food&Drink ⚽Activity 🌇Travel&Places 💡Objects 🔣Symbols 🎌Flags MostPopular ❤️RedHeart ✨Sparkles 🔥Fire 🎄ChristmasTree 😊SmilingFacewithSmilingEyes ✔️CheckMark 😂FacewithTearsofJoy 🦃Turkey 🎁WrappedGift LatestNews 🧔SamsungOneUI4.0EmojiChangelog 🤖GoogleEmoji14.0Changelog 🤳FirstLook:Google'sEmoji14.0SupportinAndroid12L 💖PinkHeartEmojiMightFinallyBecomeReality 📜EmojisAreFolklore 🎃SpookyEmojisAreTrending 🖌️FluentEmojisLookDifferentToHowYouLastSawThem 🪟Windows11EmojiChangelog Events 🇦🇺AustraliaDay 🇫🇷BastilleDay 🎂Birthday 🛍️BlackFriday ✊🏿BlackLivesMatter 🇨🇦CanadaDay 🇧🇷Carnaval 🐉ChineseNewYear 🎅Christmas 🇲🇽CincodeMayo 🦠Coronavirus 🪔Diwali 🇨🇳DragonBoatFestival 🌱EarthDay 🐰Easter 🎥EmojiMovie 🍂Fall/Autumn 👨Father’sDay 💪Festivus 🌿FourTwenty/420 🎓Graduation 🔥GuyFawkes 🎃Halloween 🕎Hanukkah 💕Hearts 🕉️Holi 🇺🇸IndependenceDay ♀️InternationalWomen'sDay 🤱Mother’sDay 🎊NewYear’sEve 🔞NSFW 🏊Olympics 🏳️🌈Pride 🎭Purim 👑Queen’sBirthday ☪️Ramadan 🌱Spring ☘️StPatrick’sDay ☀️Summer 🏈SuperBowl 🦃Thanksgiving 💘Valentine’sDay 🎖️VeteransDay 👰Wedding/Marriage ⛄Winter 🎿WinterOlympics 🏡WorkingFromHome ⚽WorldCup 🌎WorldEmojiDay
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