Google Analytics Reporting API v3 R functions
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Google Analytics Reporting API v3 R functions ... New API features will no longer occur for the v3 API, but it still carries a lot of useful capabilties, such as ... GoogleAnalyticsReportingAPIv3Rfunctions Source:vignettes/v3.Rmd v3.Rmd NewAPIfeatureswillnolongeroccurforthev3API,butitstillcarriesalotofusefulcapabilties,suchasthemulti-channelAPI,andmulti-accountbatching. GoogleAnayticsV3APIexamples Consult?google_analytics_3andseeexamplesbelow: library(googleAnalyticsR) ##AuthenticateinGoogleOAuth2 ga_auth() ##ifyouneedtore-authenticateusega_auth(new_user=TRUE) ##ifyouhaveyourownGoogleDevconsoleprojectkeys, ##thendon'trunga_auth()asthatwillsettheauthenticationprojecttothedefaults. ##insteadputyouroptionshere,andrungoogleAuthR::gar_auth() ##getaccountinfo,includingViewIds account_list
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