Hong Kong's waste problem - HK Recycles
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In 2018, the recycling rate was 30%. LOWEST in the last 20 years. We are throwing away 11,428 tonnes of municipal solid waste into our landfills per day, or ... Solutions Office RealEstate School Retail SaiKungResidential Residential Sustainability CollectionTeam Sustainabilityreporting HK'swasteproblems Benefitsofrecycling Contact HOWBADISHONGKONG'SWASTEPROBLEM? In2018,the recyclingratewas 30%.LOWESTinthelast20years Wearethrowingaway11,428 tonnesofmunicipalsolidwaste intoourlandfillsperday,or4.17 millionstonnesperyear. Percapita,wearethrowingaway1.53kgofwasteperday.AlmostdoubleofthatTokyo, andcurrently,wearesolelyreliantonthreelandfills.ComparedtootherasiancitiesHongKong'srecyclingratelacksbehindthatofSingaporewiththeoverall recyclingrate 30%and61%respectively.Ourrecyclingrateforpaper,glassandmetalislowerthanthatofSingapore.ButHongKong's plasticrecyclingrateis14%comparedto7%inSingapore THETHREE LANDFILLSWECURRENTLYUSES ISTHESAMEAS379FOOTBALLFIELDS IFWEBREAKDOWNTHESTATISTICSWEFINDTHAT PLASTICRECYCLINGRATE: 14% GLASS RECYCLINGRATE: 7% PAPERRECYCLINGRATE:50% METALRECYCLINGRAT:91% Theamountofplastic thatendsupinourlandfillsperday isthesameas theweightof387lightbuses. Wearethrowingtheequivalentof658,000emptywinebottlesadayintoourlandfillswhichcouldotherwisebeturnedintootherusefulrawmaterialslikeglassbricks. Source:EnvironmentalProtectionDepartment'Monitoringofsolidwaste2016' MAKEACHANGENOW.FINDOUTHOWWECANHELPYOU CONTACTUS Solutions Office RealEstate School Retail SaiKungResidential Residential Sustainability CollectionTeam Sustainabilityreporting HK'swasteproblems Benefitsofrecycling Contact
- 1Waste | Environmental Protection Department
There is limited land resource in Hong Kong. Landfills, which is an essential element of any sust...
- 2CHAPTER 2 The problem - Need for Firm Action
Hong Kong's waste arisings have exceeded the expected amount. At the time the three-landfill stra...
- 3Hong Kong Facing Monumental Waste Crisis With Disposal ...
It revealed that each Hong Konger sends an average of 3.37 pounds of municipal solid waste to lan...
- 4Hong Kong's waste problem - HK Recycles
In 2018, the recycling rate was 30%. LOWEST in the last 20 years. We are throwing away 11,428 ton...
- 5The Hong Kong Waste Problem 香港的廢物問題 - 立法會
Where Hong Kong sits among other cities. 香港與其他城市的比較 ... Waste Disposal Plan 1989 identified 3 lan...