Twitter Launches Improved In-App Camera With 280-Second ...
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TwitterLaunchesImprovedIn-AppCameraWith280-SecondVideoLimit ByGeoffWeiss•03/13/2019• Twitterwantsuserstosharemorephotoandvideocontent—an
- 1Twitter Removes Custom Camera Captions and Larger Image ...
Twitter's making a slight correction in its approach on its visual presentation options within tw...
- 2Twitter's updated camera looks a lot like Instagram - The Verge
Twitter is introducing a revamped version of the camera that automatically suggests a location an...
- 3Yes, you absolutely can download Twitter videos to your ...
We were asked if saving a video from Twitter is possible so you can share the clip without having...
- 4How to create live videos on Twitter - Twitter Help Center
This will turn off the camera, and you'll be heard by viewers, but not seen. Fill in an optional ...
- 5How to Use Twitter's New In-App Camera Feature | WIRED
How does it work? Open the app, then swipe left to open the camera. You can either capture a stil...