Market Failures, Public Goods, and Externalities - Econlib
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Market failure is the economic situation defined by an inefficient distribution of goods and services in the free market. Furthermore, the individual incentives for ... Articles EconLog EconTalk Encyclopedia Videos Books Guides FEATUREGuides #EconlibRea
- 1How 'Market Failure' Arguments Lead to Misguided Policy ...
Markets are said to fail if they are not perfectly competitive, with prices equating to the margi...
- 2Market Failure Definition - Investopedia
- 3Market Failure - 市場失靈 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
市場失靈 · Market Failure · 名詞解釋: 所謂市場失靈是指「市機能在充分發揮下,不能如所預期地圓滿達成社會最適狀態」之現象。一般而言,其成因有三:(1)自然獨占 ...
- 4Introduction to Market Failure | tutor2u
Market failure happens when the price mechanism fails to allocate scarce resources efficiently or...
- 5Market Failures, Public Goods, and Externalities - Econlib
Market failure is the economic situation defined by an inefficient distribution of goods and serv...