MindMup 2
文章推薦指數: 80 %
MindMup2 Zero-frictionmindmapping,tightlyintegratedwithGoogleApps StoreunlimitedmindmapsforfreeonGoogleDrive,shareandcollaborateusingonlinemindmaping. Basedonanopensourcemindmapeditor,withasimpleandopendataformat. MindMup2.0isconnectedtoyourGoogleDrivebut
- 1Coggle: Simple Collaborative Mind Maps & Flow Charts
Coggle is a collaborative mind-mapping tool that helps you make sense of complex things. Create u...
- 2MindMup 2.0 - Free Mind Map web site - Chrome 線上應用 ...
Zero-friction, collaborative, free online mind mapping integrated with Google Drive and Google Ph...
- 3總覽 - MindMup 2.0 - Free Mind Map web site
Zero-friction, collaborative, free online mind mapping integrated with Google Drive and Google Ph...
- 4miMind - Easy Mind Mapping - Apps on Google Play
- 5Mind Maps - Google Workspace Marketplace
Our mindmap tool is integrated with Google Drive, which allows you to import images from Google D...