DNV GL Presafe AS
文章推薦指數: 80 %
Dear Customer! DNV GL Presafe AS is an accredited Certification Body and EU Notified Body for Medical Devices and Hazardous Area Equipment. We provide ... DearCustomer! DNVGLPresafeASisanaccreditedCertificationBodyandEUNotifiedBodyforMedicalDevicesandHazardousAreaEquipment
- 1EUROPA - European Commission - Growth - Regulatory ...
Notification, Found : 4. Body : DNV Product Assurance AS Veritasveien 3 1363 Høvik Country : Norw...
- 2DNV GL Presafe AS
Dear Customer! DNV GL Presafe AS is an accredited Certification Body and EU Notified Body for Med...
- 3DNV_立恩威國際驗證股份有限公司【徵才職缺簡介】104人力 ...
Driven by our purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment, DNV enables organizatio...
- 4DNV GL acquires 100% ownership of Presafe
DNV GL announced today that it has acquired 100% ownership of the EU Notified Body DNV GL Nemko P...
- 5醫療器材法規小學堂- 推薦小學堂粉參加5/15 號由DNV GL ...
推薦小學堂粉參加5/15 號由DNV GL Presafe AR 舉辦的MDR 說明會。 聚焦在MDR 對於臨床評估、上市後監督、上市後臨床追蹤的要求。 難得會有當初參與 ...