Why Do We Say “A Pair of Pants”? | Britannica
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- 1a pair of pants - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"a pair of pants" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
- 2Why Do We Say “A Pair of Pants”? | Britannica
According to some, the phrase “pair of pants” harkens back to the days when what constituted pant...
- 3a pair of shoes到底是單數還是複數??? - 文法教學區- 英語討論區-
If you say, “A blue pair of pants does not go with a brown pair of shoes,” you are emphasizing th...
- 4Which is correct: two pair of pants or two pairs of pants? - Quora
We call any one such item a pair (singular) of pants/shorts/trousers/panties. One pair, to be wor...
- 5Pair of pants - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia
六個pairs of pants縫合成一個開曲面,虧格為2,邊界有四個分支。 數學上,pair of pants(一雙褲子或一條褲子)是一個形如褲子的二維曲面;拓撲學 ...