Dump the Contents of a BOM Header - Siemens PLM
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The arguments -maxLevel 0 mean to dump just this object, the BOM header in this case. -traceIds. Normally the dump methods do not trace IDs even if ID ...
DumptheContentsofaBOMHeaderPrerequisites:FindtheHeaderofaBillofMaterial(BOM)Example:tpwith $BomHeader dumptplet dumpOutput $BomHeader dumpToStringtplet dumpOutputHeaderOnly $BomHeader dumpToString -maxLevel 0Thisisthefirsttimeweusethetpwithcommand.Itissimilartothetpletcommandinthatitinvokesmethodsontheobjectserver.Itdoeshowevernotsetavariable.Insteaditreturnstheresultofthemethodcall.Formethodsthatdon'treturnavalue(voidmethods)anemptystringisreturned.Formethodsthatreturnanarrayalistofkeyvaluepairsisreturnedtobeusedasinputtothearraysetcommand.Herewecallthedumpmethodusingthetpwithcommand.Everyobjectsupportsthismethod.Itcanbeusedtosendtheobject'sstatetothelogserver.Itdoesnotreturnanything.ThereisalsothedumpToStringmethodthatreturnsthecharactersthatdumpwouldsendtothelogserverasastring.Bothmethodssupportthefollowingoptions:-maxLevel
- 1SAP Bom Header Tables - TCode Search
- 2Byte order mark - Wikipedia
The byte order mark (BOM) is a particular usage of the special Unicode character, U+FEFF BYTE ORD...
- 3Dump the Contents of a BOM Header - Siemens PLM
The arguments -maxLevel 0 mean to dump just this object, the BOM header in this case. -traceIds. ...
- 4The byte-order mark (BOM) in HTML - W3C
When sending custom HTTP headers the code to set the header must be called before output begins. ...
- 5What's the difference between UTF-8 and UTF-8 with BOM?
The UTF-8 BOM is a sequence of bytes at the start of a text stream ( 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF ) that allo...