Unicode symbols cheatsheet - Devhints
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The one-page guide to Unicode symbols: usage, examples, links, snippets, and more. ThisisDevhints.iocheatsheets—acollectionofcheatsheetsI'vewritten. Unicodesymbols ✈\u2708airplane ❄\u2744snowflake ⚑\u2691flag ☯\u262fyinyang ♞\u265ehorse ☀\u2600rays ⚠\u26a0warning ★star ☆star2 ⚐\u2690flag ⚑\u2691flag Bullets •\u2022 ·\u00b7 ┄\u2504 —\u2014(mdash) –\u2013(ndash) ◦\u25e6circle Checks ✓\u2713check ✕\u2715 ✗\u2717xmark ✘\u2718xmarkbold ❏\u274fcheckbox ×times Spinners ◜◠◝◞◡◟ ❘❙❚ Trianglesandarrows ▲ ▼ ▶ ⬅\u2b05 ⬆\u2b06 ⬇\u2b07 ◢ ◣ ◤ ◥ «« »» ‹‹ ›› •· ⌘–⌘–⌘–CommandKey ⌥–⌥–⌥–OptionKey ⇧–⇧–⇧–ShiftKey ⎋–⎋–⎋–ESCKey ⇪–⇪–⇪–Capslock ⏎–⏎–⏎–Return ⌫–⌫–⌫–Delete/Backspace ▸\u25b8rightarrow ▹ ◇\u25c7 ◆ ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓ ♠\u2660 ♣\u2663 ♥\u2665 ♦\u2666 ✂scissors ℹinformationℹ ♡heart♡ ⚙cogorgear⚙ ✉envelope✉ ✎pencil✎ JavaScript "x".charCodeAt(0) "x".charCodeAt(0).toString(16) http://www.danshort.com/HTMLentities/index.php?w=dingb Devhints.iocheatsheetsisacollectionofcheatsheetsI'vewrittenovertheyears. Suggestionsandcorrections?Sendthemin. I'mRicoSta.Cruz. CheckoutmyTodayIlearnedblogformore.
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