Secularity - Wikipedia
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Secularity, also the secular or secularness is the state of being unrelated or neutral in regards to religion and irreligion. Anything that does not have an explicit ... Secularity FromWikipedia,thefreeencyclopedia Jumptonavigation Jumptosearch
- 1Secularity - Wikipedia
Secularity, also the secular or secularness is the state of being unrelated or neutral in regards...
- 2secular在線翻譯- 用法 - 海词词典
secular的英文翻譯是什麼意思,詞典釋義與在線翻譯:. 詳盡釋義. adj. (形容詞). 世俗的,塵世的;俗界的; 現世 ...
- 3secular 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
secular. 分享單字. US /ˈsɛkjəlɚ/. ・. UK /ˈsekjələ(r)/. B2 中高級. 定義 影片字幕. adj. 現世的; 非宗教性的; 不屬於教派的; 持續一世...
- 4Secular state - Wikipedia
A secular state is an idea pertaining to secularity, whereby a state is or purports to be officia...
- 5secular 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
secular 牧師,俗人(a.)世俗的,現世的,不朽的,長期的.