"、" U+3001: Ideographic Comma (Unicode Character)
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The unicode character U+3001 (、) is named "Ideographic Comma" and belongs to the CJK Symbols and Punctuation block. It is HTML encoded as 、. UnicodePlus Submit Thecharacter、(IdeographicComma)isrepresentedbytheUnicodecodepointU+3001.ItisencodedintheCJKSymbolsandPunctuationblock,whichbelongstotheBasicMultilingualPlane.ItwasaddedtoUnicodeinversion1.1(June,1993).ItisHTMLencodedas、. Name IdeographicComma UnicodeCodepoint U+3001 UnicodeVersion 1.1(June,1993) Block CJKSymbolsandPunctuation Plane BasicMultilingualPlane Bidirectionalclass OtherNeutral(ON) Ismirrored? No Category OtherPunctuation Script Codeforundeterminedscript CombiningClass NotReordered HTML(decimal) 、 HTML(hex) 、 HTML(named) - URLEscapeCode %E3%80%81 CSS \003001 JavaScript,JSON \u3001 C,C++,Java \u3001 Python \u3001 Rust \u{3001} Ruby \u3001 Windows?:HoldAlt,thentype3001.ReleaseAlt. Mac?:HoldAlt⌥,thentype3001.ReleaseAlt. 、Times,TimesNewRoman,serif 、Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif 、Courier,CourierNew,monospace Light Sepia Gray Dark B i UTF-8(hex) 0xE30x800x81 UTF-16(hex) 0x3001 UTF-32(hex) 0x00003001 ︑U+FE11 PresentationFormForVerticalIdeographicComma ﹑U+FE51 SmallIdeographicComma 、U+FF64 HalfwidthIdeographicComma MoreU+3001CharacterProperties(Unicode.org) UnicodeDatabase(UnicodeData.txt) ListofUnicodecharacters(Wikipedia)
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