Extension | Definition of Extension by Merriam-Webster
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Login or Register Hello, GAMES BROWSETHESAURUS WORDOFTHEDAY WORDSATPLAY SETTINGS SAVEDWORDS viewrecents extension noun SaveWord ex·ten·sion |\ik-ˈsten(t)-shən \ Definitionofexten
- 1extension - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
伸展;伸長;擴大[U][(+of)] the extension of our foreign trade 擴大我們的對外貿易; 2. 延長;延期;緩期[U][C] We had hoped f...
- 2瀏覽器擴充功能- Mozilla | MDN
擴充功能(extension)可以擴展和修改瀏覽器的功能。Firefox 的擴充功能是使用WebExtension API 建立而成,這是一個開發跨瀏覽器擴充功能的 ...
- 3Extension | Definition of Extension by Merriam-Webster
Extension definition is - the action of extending : state of being extended. How to use extension...
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Another word for extension. Find more ways to say extension, along with related words, antonyms a...