Sunset on the British Empire - XKCD
文章推薦指數: 80 %
The British Empire spanned the globe. This led to the saying that the Sun never set on it, since it was always daytime somewhere in the Empire. It's hard to figure ... Prev Next SunsetontheBritishEmpire When(ifever)didtheSunfinallysetontheBritishEmpire? —KurtAmund
- 1The Empire On Which The Sun Never Sets ... -
Buy The Empire On Which The Sun Never Sets | British empire tee: Shop top fashion brands T-Shirts...
- 2日不落帝國- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia
日不落帝國(西班牙語:el imperio en el que nunca se pone el sol,英語:the empire on which the sun never sets)指不...
- 3The empire on which the sun never sets | Project Gutenberg ...
The phrase "the empire on which the sun never sets" has been used with variations to describe cer...
- 4Charles V: the empire on which the sun never set | Die Welt ...
Charles V: the empire on which the sun never set ... In the person of Charles, the Habsburgs atta...
- 5U.S. Empire: The Sun Never Sets - The Globalist
U.S. Empire: The Sun Never Sets. What are people saying ... If Americans have an empire, they hav...