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F G U 熱舞社, 礁溪鄉. 848 likes · 2 talking about this. 我們是佛光大學熱舞社有任何活動都會PO在這裡喔~ 歡迎大家常常光顧熱舞社社團網站有想要詢問任何問題也歡迎 ... JumptoSectionsofthispageAccessibilityhelpPressalt+/toopenthismenuFacebookEmailorphonePasswordForgottenaccount?CreateNewAccountYou’reTemporarilyBlockedYou’reTemporarilyBlo
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160 Followers, 9 Following, 40 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from fgu-桌遊社(@fgu_board_game)
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學校英文名稱:Fo Guang University 學校網址:http://www.fgu.edu.tw 創校/改制年月:2000/08/01、2006/08/01. 校區:校本部. 地址:2...
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F G U 熱舞社, 礁溪鄉. 848 likes · 2 talking about this. 我們是佛光大學熱舞社有任何活動都會PO在這裡喔~ 歡迎大家常常光顧熱舞社社團網站有想要詢問任何...