Translate an image
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Translate an image. Powered by Google's Vision API and Microsoft's Translator API. Donate: bc1q8y039jxh52ra07q5hhkycmxspstttu2k757hlq (Bitcoin). HomeToolsPrivacyFeedbackTranslateanimagePoweredbyGoogle'sVisionAPIandMicrosoft'sTranslatorAPIDonate:bc1q8y039jxh52ra07q5hhkycmxspstt
- 1translate pictures by camera - Apps on Google Play
Turn your camera into a Translator. Just take a photo and get the translation. The translated tex...
- 2Photo Translator - App Store - Apple
Turn your camera into a Photo Translator. Just take the photo and get the translation right away....
- 3Google Translate
- 4Android 裝置- Google Translate說明- 翻譯圖片
- 5Chrome 線上應用程式商店 - Image Translate, Documents to Text
Cloud Scanner!! Convert image to text, and Translate it. It also allows you to convert PDF, Image...