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Wise是「就.......而言」的意思,來讀幾個例句: A:Do you think our products are competitive enough for an international market? 你 ... 回首頁 English 關鍵的時刻訂閱支持好媒體 免費訂閱電子報 搜尋 頻道分類 財經 貿易戰 財經焦點 財經週報 投資理財 產業 製造 服務 金
- 1wise 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯 - Cambridge Dictionary
"I never drink more than three glasses of wine." "How wise." 「我喝葡萄酒從未超過三杯。」「你真明智。」 Looking at the...
- 2一分鐘英語操:Wise讓你英文變聰明|天下雜誌
Wise是「就.......而言」的意思,來讀幾個例句: A:Do you think our products are competitive enough for an internatio...
- 3WISE: 首頁
The WISE Difference. 葳格國際部課程:邁向成功之路. 學生學習如何塑造對世界之看法。改變世界,從 ...
- 4WISE-3310 - Wireless IoT Mesh Network Gateway - 研華科技 ...
Advantech RISC-based WPAN Network Controller, WISE-3310, is powered by the Freescale i.MX6 Dual C...
- 5WISE在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯 - Cambridge Dictionary
wise的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. having or showing the ability to make good judgments, based on a deep understand...