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- 1專精於英文編修與中翻英服務,協助您的稿件到達國際發表水準 ...
... 和學會團體信任. 請放心把論文交給我們. 1,387,000+ 經手稿件; 506,000+ 論文作者; 1,064+ 處理學科; 2000+ 專業編輯; 15+ 年學術發表經驗. ed...
- 2Sudeshna Dasgupta - Assistant Managing Editor, Editage ...
At CACTUS, I'm part of the team 'Editage' that is primarily responsible for providing publication...
- 3夥伴關係– BiotechEast Co., Ltd
夥伴關係. Cactus Communications (Editage) 東方生技是Cactus Communications的台灣營業代理人,為台灣市場提供學術編修與醫學 ...
- 4英文校正エディテージ:英文校正証明書
... by Editage, a division of Cactus Communications. Neither the research content nor the author'...
- 5Cactus-Editage - ReviewerCredits
Cactus-Editage. ReviewerCredits srl. Via Giosuè Carducci 8, 20123 Milano (MI), Italy CF and VAT n...