In U.S. schools, what is a homeroom teacher? - Quora
文章推薦指數: 80 %
A homeroom teacher is where students meet in a classroom with this teacher to begin the day. It usually lasts about 10-15 minutes before students begin the ... Somethingwentwrong.Waitamomentandtryagain.Tryagain
- 1homeroom teacher用於句子| 劍橋詞典中的例句
The homeroom teacher for each class calls out the names of his or her students in gender-split al...
- 2"homeroom teacher"是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)的問題
The person in charge of this is called the homeroom teacher. Not all schools have homeroom. My mi...
- 3Homeroom teacher definition and meaning - Collins Dictionary
Homeroom teacher definition: the teacher attached to the homeroom of a group of students | Meanin...
- 4我國中小學校常用職稱及場所、單位名稱(中文) 英譯專科教室 ...
e-learning class preparation room. 機電設備空間 ... full-time counseling teacher. 園藝工友 gardener. 資優教室 ....
- 5Class Teacher 與Homeroom Teacher|陳偉倫 - 灼見名家
香港的學校,無論本地或國際學校,絕大部分均設有班主任的角色,但其英文稱號有時卻有所不同。本地學校通常稱班主任為Class Teacher,在國際學校,則較多 ...