domestic division of labour
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View definition in: ... Division of care work and household responsibilities between women and men. Sources. Definition developed by EIGE experts. Relations. SkiptolanguageswitcherSkiptomaincategoriesnavigationSkiptosecondarycategoriesnavigationSkiptocurrentcategorynavigationSkiptomainnavigationSkiptomaincontentSkiptofooter Glossary&Thesaurus Togglesidebarmenu HomeGlossary&ThesaurusA-ZIndex domesticdivisionoflabour Viewdefinitionin: EnglishOfficialEUlanguages:English Български Español Čeština Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Gaeilge Hrvatski Italiano Latviešuvaloda Lietuviųkalba Nederlands Suomi Magyar Malti Polski Português Română Slovenčina(slovenskýjazyk) Slovenščina(slovenskijezik) Svenska EUcandidatesandpotentialcandidates:Bosanski Македонски Shqip Sprski(Latin) Српски(Cyrilic) Српски(Cyrilic)(BosniaandHerzegovina) Divisionofcareworkandhouseholdresponsibilitiesbetweenwomenandmen. SourcesDefinitiondevelopedbyEIGEexperts. RelationsRelatedterm:carework,domesticresponsibilities,equalsharingofdomesticresponsibilities,work–lifebalanceBroaderterm:domesticwork URI: Care,workandeconomyWork DownloadinRDF/XMLProposeanupdate Share:
- 1Domestic division of labour and fertility preference in China ...
- 2The domestic division of labour - The British Library
What is the domestic division of labour? The division of labour refers to who does what work in d...
- 3An Unequal Division of Labor - Center for American Progress
Domestic labor, while vital to the functioning of families, is devalued in American culture—wheth...
- 4How has coronavirus affected the division of domestic labour?
How has coronavirus affected the division of domestic labour? How has the division of family resp...
- 5Rethinking the Domestic Division of Labour - SAGE Journals
The domestic division of labour (DDOL) within which women typically take on a disproportionate sh...